Romans 5:7 - How much more - by Ken Clezy

Rom 5:7. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him?

At first sight this sounds very strange.  Surely Jesus’ sacrifice was full, perfect and sufficient?  Paul goes on to say how much more we are saved by Jesus’ life. In Ro 8:34 Paul says: ‘Christ is at God’s right hand and is also praying for us.’  He wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t  necessary. 

We know that if we are determined to be obedient believers, the devil will do his best to trip us up. He will try the big ones first – sex, money and power – and if he fails in those areas he will try to make us lazy, or deaf, so that we don’t do God’s specific will for us.  Many a Christian life can be spoilt by sins of omission. 

To us they may not sound as bad as sins of commission, but if the devil stops us hearing God’s call to go overseas as a missionary, who can tell how much we have failed?  It may be something fairly simple, like someone else becoming worn out because we’re not there to help.  Whatever, we know God has planned work for every one of his children to do (Eph 2:10), and therefore we have failed our Lord if we don’t listen.

So let us make sure we stay close to Christ – in Christ, to use Paul’s words - asking him to guide us day by day.  He is praying that we won’t fail, and if we do he will ask his Father to forgive us.  But far better to listen to our Lord and do his will.  Let us be thankful, every single day, that Jesus is praying for us, because otherwise we might fail.

GrowthBFCRomans, Bible Study