Protecting our kids from drugs by Alf Chehade
For a recent Sunday Message, we created 8 step families can take to help keep kids safe from the lure of drugs.
1 Know your child’s friends. 1 Cor 15:33 “Evil company corrupts…”
Be nosey, cross examine them, be very discriminating about their friends.
2 Build meaningful relationships with your kids.
Love them unceasingly. A time comes when authority is replaced by relationship.
3 Teach them God’s word. Prov 22:6“Train up” 2 Tim 1:5 “Lois, Eunice”
They need a personal faith, not a second-hand faith.
Utilize the home, the church, the school, home fellowships, youth group.
4 Establish limits and guidelines. Romans 7:7 “Had not known sin without the Law”
Draw clear lines in the sand about what is and is not acceptable “in this house”.
Make sinning a deliberate, calculated, thought-through , choice.
5 Help your kids to set goals. Prov 29:18 “Without a vision, people perish”
They need to be “going somewhere” with their life.
6 Pray constantly for your kids. Prov 21/1 “The king’s heart is in the Lord’s hands”
There are limits to our own parenting skills.
Contrary to our popular belief, we parents are not omniscient.
7 Be a good example. Eph 4:25 to 32 “Therefore, put away lying…”
Much of Christianity is caught rather than taught.
Actions do speak louder than words.
8 Don’t expect perfection. 2 Cor 4:7“We have this treasure in earthen vessels..”
We are ALL human. That means our kids are too.
Our homes are to be havens of love, grace and forgiveness.