So after Habakkuk’s first lament to God, he sets himself on the rampart to wait. His responsibility in the midst of the coming turmoil was extremely important.
Read MoreBut the Word of God says, no. Bring good into the situation. Bring kindness into the situation. Bring hope into the situation. Bring love into the situation.
Read More1 John 4:18 says: “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” The opposite of love is not hate. But he opposite of love is fear. And the opposite of fear is love.
Read MoreWhen we choose to receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we have entered a new standing with God. As we have been justified, God has made a legal judgment on us in which he now declares us as holy.
Read MoreOur business is to obey Jesus’ command to spread the gospel, because as v 16 says, a day of judgment is coming for all of us.
Read MoreTheir zeal and fire for the Lord is so evident, authentic and real. They knew that the gospel message had power and authority and that above anything else, it had the power to transform.
Read MoreGodlessness and wickedness are the terrible twins; for as long as Godlessness is vaunted wickedness will be flaunted, as we see around us very day.
Read MoreIn the OT we find righteousness, salvation and justice close together, with many examples in Psalms, in Isaiah, and elsewhere.
Read MoreIn Psalm 3, Verse 7 sounds like it’s just a vindictive, revengeful statement on the surface. But what David is saying here is that now he has found his inner peace from God, he wants justice. Justice for who? Look at verse 8 – his people. At this point, David is no longer looking inwardly, but outwardly.
Read MoreI think we all have a tendency to shy away from pain. No-one likes it. It’s not something we put our hand up and say with excitement “pick me”!
Read MoreHe prayed for the Roman church, as he did for Christians everywhere. How did a busy man actually do that?
Read MoreIn Psalm 3, David is facing a really fearful, anxiety-causing situation. He was running for his life and his very identity as king of Israel was under threat. In Psalm 3, David is facing a really fearful, anxiety-causing situation. He was running for his life and his very identity as king of Israel was under threat.
Read MoreWhat does it look like to present our bodies as a living sacrifice? I think we should be careful not to go too figurative on this one. Let's keep it literal and present our body daily and literally in some way to the Lord in some way. Stand or kneel or lift your hands, not in a ritualistic way, but as a demonstration of praise to God.
Read MoreIt’s hard to define grace; graceful is easier to understand. Think of Thai dancers, and the beauty of their movement. All our conduct must demonstrate a similar kind of beauty in a spiritual sense.
Read MoreIn Psalm 3 in the second half of verse 3, David states where he finds his glory. And it’s the second step out of anxious fear.
Read MoreIf we judge a book by the influence it has had on Christian history, Paul’s letter to the Romans stands out as the most important. About 350 AD it transformed the man some know as Saint Augustine. He was a priest, a university lecturer and a notorious womaniser until God spoke to him through Ro 13:13-14.
Read MoreThe bible reading finishes with a true picture of obedience and this is hard for us to accept. We often feel we deserve a reward for doing good and right. We feel we deserve something for obeying. Jesus says to us - obedience is just duty.
Read MoreAfter Good Friday, how do we wrestle with
“And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.”
Read MoreSo we better choose to obey God and in doing so produce good fruit like Holiness, which in our culture is no fashionable, yet in is better than to be cool in world’s eyes.
Read MoreJesus was scared as he sweated blood while he prayed in the garden. But He followed His Father, knowing He would lead Him to an agonising death on the cross. However, also knowing and trusting that God would be His shield around Him as he pressed forward and through to glory.
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