Posts in Bible
Matthew 6:1-6 & 16-18 - Be Genuine - by Jeff Byerley

Heavenly Father,  We thank you for your great love for us that you sent your precious son, our Lord Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our salvation.  We thank you for his emphatic warning about the real dangers of letting our lives be taken over by the desire for human praise rather than living our lives for you and the reward of eternal life with you.  In Jesus' Name Amen.

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Matthew 5:17-30 > Jesus Fulfills the Law - by Jeff Byerley

Jesus fulfilled the Law in every way. He perfectly obeyed the law of God, (but not every aspect of the man-made Scribal oral law, which caused controversy.) Jesus permanently met the Law's requirement for a perfect sacrifice for the sins of humankind. So all of the New and Old Testaments point to Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of the Law's requirements. Because Jesus did this on our behalf, we are free from the Law's curse and penalty. We are enabled by the Holy Spirit to worship and serve God in our hearts and lives. Jesus perfectly interpreted the meaning of God's laws so that we can understand them, again with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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Matthew 5:1-16 > The Beatitudes - by Jeff Byerley

The teaching was quite different from that of the religious leaders that was based on self works and self righteousness that puffed up their pride. The teaching Jesus gave was such that it was impossible to meet God's standards. It drew attention that it would take a divine power to enable any where near achieving. They remind us that life is short with much suffering. Therefore we are to look to God to provide something better.

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Matthew 4:12-25 > Jesus Begins His Galilean Ministry- by Jeff Byerley

However, when the call came they responded at once. Indeed their becoming disciples was quite unusual. Someone looking to become a disciple would normally approach a rabbi and make an offer of service. The rabbi might then take this disciple on for a period. If the disciple was found satisfactory, the relationship would continue. But Jesus call was quite different. “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” it was a command with a sure promise.

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Matthew 4:1-11 > Satan Tempts Jesus- by Jeff Byerley

Whilst Jesus was in a weakened state, it still seems incredible that Satan thought he could implant doubts in Jesus' mind about who he was and being loved by the Father. Jesus had just heard the Father declare publicly “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt.3:17). Finally Satan offers the kingdoms of the world to Jesus. Whilst Satan has some control for a time over these kingdoms, they are not his to give away but the Father (Cf. Ps 121:1-2). Indeed, Satan is “the father of lies” (John 8:44). Moreover, Jesus is to receive the kingdoms from the Father anyway (Cf. Psalm 2). Jesus' reply and then command over Satan showed his end was in sight!

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