Trust that in Him.... - by Laura Duke

As you can imagine, babies and pregnancy are very much on my mind at the moment (5 weeks to go - eek!)
A friend gave Jeremy and I (and baby!) a family devotional that is suitable for babies, toddlers and parents. I checked out the devotion for Week 1 the other day and it was based on Psalm 139:4-6:

“Lord, even before I say a word, you already know what I am going to say. You are all around me—in front and in back. You have put your hand on me. Your knowledge is amazing to me. It is more than I can understand.”
At the moment, my body is knows and supplies all of my baby's needs, even though they never asked me to - they don't know how to speak or even cry yet! But a day will come when my body won't be able to provide for baby's every need. But God can. And we too can trust Him to always provide for our every need. He knows even before we know or can ask for ourselves!

At the moment, I am 'all around' my baby, protecting them from the harshness of the outside world that they're not ready for yet. But there will come a day when they will gain independence from me and I won't be 'all around' them anymore. But God can. And we too can trust that He will always be 'all around' us, no matter how independent we think we can become. He will always be surrounding and protecting us

At the moment, my knowledge is completely beyond their understanding. They have no concept of the world they will be born into, or of what life is like in it. But there will come a day when my child thinks they know better than me and they may choose to trust their own judgements instead of mine. There might be a day when their knowledge does surpass mine. But it won't surpass God's, and I pray that they will always choose to trust God and His judgements rather than their own.

And I pray the same for each of you and even for myself, that we will all be learning to trust him without doubt as a little unborn child has complete trust in its mother. I pray that we will never 'outgrow' that relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Trust that in Him we have our life and our everything, forever!

GrowthBFCfaith, trust