Ground or Instant - by John Foley

I like to drink instant coffee. Ground is much better – but it takes longer. We all like the quick fix. It must be a general human trait, spreading into our spiritual lives. No wonder therefore that Patience is listed as the fruit of the Spirit - and is an attribute of God himself. “You have need of patience’” wrote the apostle. Patience with others – their slowness, weaknesses and failure and with our own (Is there no-one in the congregation whom you find tiresome or troublesome?) Patience as we long for all the problems in the church to be sorted out. Patience as we wait for the Lord’s return. But as the ESV puts it “suffering produces endurance” (KJV says “patience”) – which in turn produces character and then hope. Thank God that he is patient with us. May we be more like him.

Originally Published John Foley 25 Feb 2007
