Remembering the resurrection - by Bec Bonython

Each week at church we take communion to remember what Jesus Christ did at Calvary. It gives us deliberate and dedicated time to pause and reflect. In our busy and go, go, go world, we can stop and we remember. We remember God’s love for us, our forgiveness of sins, and the eternal life we have received. We will never fully appreciate the true power of the cross and its significance until we get to heaven.

And so we take the bread as a symbol of Jesus’ broken body and we remember. We take the juice as a symbol of His blood that was shed for us and we remember.

As we share in communion we also remember that 3 days later Jesus rose triumphantly. By His resurrection Jesus conquered death once and for all for himself, and for everyone who believes in Him.

Because of Jesus’ resurrection we now have new life. We have peace and we have hope. John 16, Jesus says that although there will be trouble in this world, have peace and take heart, for I has overcome the world.

If Jesus had victory over death, then surely we can be confident that He has victory over disease and sickness and loneliness and fear and anxiety and depression and sinful nature and shame and guilt.

Yet somehow those things that can often consume us and get us worried. These things can distract our heart and eyes from God. These things can hinder our godly judgement and decision making. But when we choose to remember Jesus’ resurrection, it realigns our heart and gives us renewed hope.

• It reminds us that Jesus will help us overcome any situation we face.

• It reminds us that Jesus will give us wisdom and understanding into our situation.

• He will give us comfort through it.

• He will guide our decision making through it.

• When we remember and reflect on Jesus’ resurrection, we have confidence that Jesus is our light in the darkness and our way maker.

• We remember that in all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

• We remember everyone who is born from God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.

Can I encourage you to take stock on how your faith is travelling? Are there things around you which are distracting you from Jesus? If so, be encouraged that Jesus conquered the death. He can conquer what is troubling you today!