Faith - by Ben Bonython

When I was around 6yo, I learnt that it was not smart to get between a mamma and her baby goat. Feeling taller, yet no more wiser, I remember learning this lesson again at 14yo, coming off second best to some gentle encouragement from a mother’s faithful butting head! But what I really want to share about are two examples of amazing faithfulness of women in the Bible.

Numbers 21 records the 5 faithful daughters of Zelophehad coming to Moses with their troubled situation. In those days, no woman dare seek ownership of anything, let alone land. They outlined to Moses that their father had passed away and they were seeking unprecedented intervention from the leader of the Israel to secure a portion of land for their future family in the promised land. Moses, moved by the faithfulness of their argument, took the matter to the Lord and the Bible records that God judged in favour of the 5 daughters. This reformed the culture of their day by expanding legal rights of women who became part of the list of eligible heirs of property. This was incredibly courageous of the daughters who determined to faithfully provide for their future family.

Another example of incredible faithfulness was Ruth the Moabite. Moab is important to mention because the nation was an enemy of Israel. Ruth’s story is recorded in the Bible in a book of her name! Her story was as a young woman full of life to live, found herself a widow. Her widowed mother-in-law Naomi gave Ruth the option to leave her ‘new & hopeless’ family and return to her ‘natural’ family. However Ruth refused, determined to keep her commitment of marriage, and courageously announced her faithfulness to remain with Naomi. The Lord not only provided for them, but also redeemed them!

The Bible records that Ruth showed remarkable faith in choosing to believe that God would provide for her and Naomi, and such was her faith, that her name, an enemy of Israel, was recorded in the genealogy of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. To be faithful almost always requires strong commitment and unwavering courage. In the life of Christ, we see His faithfulness to us, expressed through giving His life, for us.