Describe the Bible - by Ben Bonython

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet,and a light for my path. I’ve promised it once, and I’ll promise it again:I will obey your righteous regulations." Psalm 119:105-106

How can we describe the Bible, the Word of the Lord?  In verse 106 of the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119, the Psalmist calls the Word 'righteous regulations'. The dictionary meaning of regulation is:  a law, rule, or other order prescribed by authority, especially to regulate conduct, the act of regulating or the state of being regulated.

The way we conduct our lives is based on some form of regulation mixing our family values and heritage, and cultural and societal norms.  And let's be honest, our discipline plays a big role too.  What if someone told you they had the best way to live, the best values and best regulations - would you be interested?

If a person in authority came to you and offered a way to live your life that was so challenging, yet so natural, so extraordinary, yet normal, almost like this is what life is meant to be....Would you follow?  Would you commit? Would you obey?

A promise is so easy to make, and so easy to break. The Psalmist declares his commitment to obey the righteous regulations of the Lord, expressing that the Word is like a light that helps us take everyday steps in life, AND shows us the path ahead of us. The word 'path' should get our attention too. 

He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Ps 23:3

The Word of God is like a path that is right for us. The light of the Word is so bright, it removes any ability to hide, showing everything.  When a bird is trapped inside a building, the bird finds its way out of captivity when all lights are turned off....except a strong guiding light that shows the way out - straight out the main doors!  The bird is naturally drawn to this light and is guided to freedom.

What a lovely illustration for us - when we obey the Word, we experience freedom, we walk through the darkness, following the light... So we have been encouraged, yet the problem really is that word 'obey'. Jesus comes to us, inviting us to follow Him. And His desire is that we obey Him.  The righteous regulations removes 'Yes and No' as an option, and draws a line in our life calling us to obey.  Why not make that promise again, to get into the Word, and obey those righteous regulations!

Be determined to obey once again, the righteous regulations of the Lord - His Word. Get into the Word this week ahead.  Thoughts for further reflection

  1. Be thankful to the Lord, and remember again when you read a passage and it spoke directly to you, or a verse that has really encouraged you.
  2. What can you do to make more time for the Word of God in your life.
  3. Take a moment, and think about the time you spend reading the Word, and the time you spend watching TV, posting to Facebook, walking in the park, talking with friends or reading novels......Does the Light of the Word have the opportunity to light up your feet and path in your life?
  4. Pray with someone, and ask them to pray for you as you seek time for the Word of the Lord.